Two of my paintings from my Études series have been added to prestigious institutions in Alabama, USA:

  1. Étude Nr. 177 is now part of the Birmingham Museum of Art’s (BMA) permanent collection. I thank BMA’s curatorial team and Director Graham Boettcher for their support.
  2. Étude Nr. 190 has joined the University of Alabama at Birmingham’s Abroms-Engel Institute for the Visual Arts (AEIVA). I appreciate the entire AEIVA Team for their enthusiasm and support.

I thank my gallery, Maus Contemporary, for their invaluable support in making these additions possible.

Étude nº 177, 2014. Acrylic on canvas, 114 x 162 cm (approx. 44.9 x 63.75 in.)

DETAIL Étude nº 177, 2014. Acrylic on canvas, 114 x 162 cm (approx. 44.9 x 63.75 in.)

Étude nº 190, 2014. Acrylic on canvas, 114 x 162 cm (approx. 44.9 x 63.75 in.)

DETAIL Étude nº 190, 2014. Acrylic on canvas, 114 x 162 cm (approx. 44.9 x 63.75 in.)


I’m honored to announce that my work on paper “Untitled” from the 2005 “Tejidos” series is now included in the permanent collection of the Wiregrass Museum of Art in Dothan, Alabama.

Thank you to the entire Wiregrass Museum of Art Team – especially Director Dana-Marie Lemmer and Collections Manager and Registrar Paula Haymon – and my gallerist Guido Maus for their enthusiasm and constant support to artists and the Arts.

“Untitled” Tejidos
watercolor on paper
approx. 9.5 by 12.6 in. (24 by 32 cm)


I am excited to announce that my 2010 painting, Etude Nr. 54, is now part of the permanent collection at the Paul R. Jones Museum in Tuscaloosa, Alabama.
I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to gallerist Guido Maus for his invaluable support and to Museum Director Daniel White for his unwavering commitment to the arts.

Je suis ravie d’annoncer que mon œuvre de 2010, Étude nº 54 fait désormais partie de la collection permanente du Musée Paul R. Jones à Tuscaloosa, Alabama, États-Unis.
Je tiens à exprimer mes sincères remerciements au galeriste Guido Maus pour son soutien inestimable et au directeur du musée Daniel White pour son engagement indéfectible envers les arts.

Etude Nr. 54
oil on canvas
28.75 by 23.6 in. (73 by 60 cm)

CRUZAMENTOS na arte galega da colección CGAC

Group show


With the artists: Pablo Barreiro, Jacobo Bugarín, Salvador e Juan Cidrás, Andrea Costas, Angela de la Cruz, Eva Díez, Patricia Dopico, Amaya González Reyes, Rubén Grilo, Juan López, Loreto Martínez Troncoso, Chelo Matesanz, Vítor Mejuto, Antonio Murado, Álvaro Negro, Carme Nogueira, Ana Pérez Ventura, Isaac Pérez Vicente, Montse Rego, Rodríguez-Méndez, Xabier Toubes, Mauro Trastoy, Damián Ucieda

Curated by Sara Donoso, Santiago Olmo

CGAC – Centro Galego de Arte Contemporánea
Rúa Valle Inclán, 2
15703 Santiago de Compostela

Ana Pérez Ventura
24 Neumas (Chopin op.10 & op.25), 2014-2020
Permanent marker on pvc
CGAC Collection

CRUZAMENTOS (INTERSECTIONS) is the final exhibition from the project A Look at Galicia, which invites us to explore our most recent art history through the work of artists whose pieces have been incorporated into the CGAC Collection over the last two decades.It is an exhibition that celebrates the rich and the diverse, connecting long-established artists with young or mid-career creators. Here, voices, sensitivities and stories diverge, but they coincide in addressing, with multiple critical approaches, issues of a social, historical, political identity or artistic nature prevalent at the present moment in time.On Friday, March 4 at 6.30 p.m. in the CGAC auditorium, the curators Sara Donoso and Santiago Olmo, will participate in a public conversation about the exhibition.


I am extremely pleased to announce that my work 24 Neumas based on Chopin’s 24 Studies has been acquired by the Contemporary Art Museum CGAC (Centro Galego de Arte Contemporánea). It is now part of the most important collection of contemporary art in Galicia, in the CGAC-XACOBEO section.

Ana Pérez Ventura
(Chopin op.10 & op.25), 2014-2020
Permanent marker on pvc
24 pieces of 42 x 29,7 cm