05.06 – 05.09. 2020
Galeria Metro
Rúa Xeneral Pardiñas 12-16, L14
15700 Santiago de Compostela, Spain
+34 649 610 287
Opening hours: Monday to Fryday 5-9 pm or by appointment

[Confinados] present itself as a narrative which illustrates an extraordinary historic moment. Millions of writers, musicians, audio-visual creators all around the world have been more inspired than ever. This exhibition reunites small and unpublished works of art that twenty artists have created in their own dwellings, and which are composed with paper, small objects, sculptures, and photographs. A 20% of the sales are destinated to support the social needs emerged due to this pandemic.
Works by Ana Pérez Ventura, Guillermo Simón, Sebas Anxo, Santi Jiménez, Lúa Gándara, Xavier Cuiñas, Xaquín Chaves, Lito Portela, Nacho Zubelzu, Haya Blanco, Marc Quintana, Olmo Blanco, Paula Vincenti, David Catá, Alina Granados, Emilio Mariño, Ana Gil Rodríguez, Javier Cabo, Federico Granell, Little and Sheila Pazos.