Group show
With the artists: Pablo Barreiro, Jacobo Bugarín, Salvador e Juan Cidrás, Andrea Costas, Angela de la Cruz, Eva Díez, Patricia Dopico, Amaya González Reyes, Rubén Grilo, Juan López, Loreto Martínez Troncoso, Chelo Matesanz, Vítor Mejuto, Antonio Murado, Álvaro Negro, Carme Nogueira, Ana Pérez Ventura, Isaac Pérez Vicente, Montse Rego, Rodríguez-Méndez, Xabier Toubes, Mauro Trastoy, Damián Ucieda
Curated by Sara Donoso, Santiago Olmo
CGAC – Centro Galego de Arte Contemporánea
Rúa Valle Inclán, 2
15703 Santiago de Compostela

CRUZAMENTOS (INTERSECTIONS) is the final exhibition from the project A Look at Galicia, which invites us to explore our most recent art history through the work of artists whose pieces have been incorporated into the CGAC Collection over the last two decades.It is an exhibition that celebrates the rich and the diverse, connecting long-established artists with young or mid-career creators. Here, voices, sensitivities and stories diverge, but they coincide in addressing, with multiple critical approaches, issues of a social, historical, political identity or artistic nature prevalent at the present moment in time.On Friday, March 4 at 6.30 p.m. in the CGAC auditorium, the curators Sara Donoso and Santiago Olmo, will participate in a public conversation about the exhibition.